الأحد، 30 أكتوبر 2016

The benefits of fish oil for muscles

The benefits of fish oil for muscles

فوائد زيت السمك للعضلات

fish oil :

It is fish oil, or what is known as omega-3s a unsaturated fatty acids, which can be obtained from fatty fish, and resides this oil in many different types of fish such as tuna and salmon and sturgeon and mullet and sardines, and sardines, and many others, has many health and therapeutic benefits that help human health to access to a better life.

The benefits of fish oil for muscles :

Of fish oil are many benefits of the muscles that make athletes are keen on taking fish oil regularly, including:

Fish oil helps to build muscle; because there are fish in oil fatty acids, which help build muscle faster.
Fish oil helps to increase the absorption of glucose in the muscles faster, and thus makes the muscles benefit from this glucose is greater.
Reducing inflammation that can occur for the athletes as a result of muscle fatigue.
Stimulate the production of growth hormones, and thus activate the muscle growth.

Benefits of bananas muscles

Benefits of bananas muscles

فوائد الموز للعضلات

the banana :

Banana is one of the tropical fruits that are grown Balvesail, which is grown in all countries of the world, which is characterized by taste sweet and distinctive flavor, and banana great importance because of its high nutritional value, and multiple benefits for the health of the body, is also considered one of the foods and foods that are frequently athletes dealt with, and you will learn in this article on the benefits in building muscle and increasing the size of those who practiced bodybuilding.

Benefits of bananas muscles :

It is one of the foods that are useful for building muscle because of the content of proteins and carbohydrates through the body to provide the necessary energy and adequate.
It is a great source of potassium, which addresses the contraction and muscle spasm, plus it contains a high percentage of fiber that facilitates the process of digestion.
Banana works to lose weight and decrease blood sugar because it contains one hundred and eight calories only.
It helps to perform and exercise better when you eat the fruit of one every two or three hours before exercise.
Bananas contain a good variety of vitamins and minerals that works to build muscle such as copper, magnesium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C.
Banana reduces the chance of atherosclerosis by reducing blood pressure rates.
It helps absorption of nutrients naturally, especially calcium, which increases muscle strength element.
It contains fiber and potassium which minimizes muscle pain after exercise.
It maintains a strong bone health and survival, which supports the muscles and increases strength.
Aljlukin increases in blood that gives muscle strength and magnitude, also enhances their response to weight gain.
It keeps vitamin B found in bananas to the lymph nodes that help to produce white blood cells, which means strengthening the cells and tissues that make up the muscles.
It contains zinc and iron, which strengthens the blood, increases the flow to the muscles.
It prevents muscle cramps after exercise induced potassium in which it resides.
Banana addresses most of the problems faced by the digestive system of constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn, and irritable bowel syndrome, all of which affect the exercise.
It contains high amino acids, especially tryptophan which helps to sleep and rest before the exercise.
Works on muscle healing process and that by the carbohydrates it contains, it is known that the muscle after exercise exposed to the state of the demolition and the weakness of rupture; therefore Eating bananas after exercise increases muscle mass size.

How to increase physical strength

How to increase physical strength

كيف تزيد قوتك الجسدية

Physical strength :

Expresses physical force for the amount of fitness and power enjoyed by the body, The body, which has a physical force, a strong body, unable to bear the fatigue and exhaustion, and resistance to disease and difficult conditions are excellent, the body can go into a strong Azali and win it and enjoy muscle strength, and the ability to keep up with the opponent, and walk long distances without feeling tired fast, and bear the pressures of life in all its forms, and unable to adapt to circumstances.

Ways to increase physical strength :

There are several ways to increase physical strength, and the most important of these methods include:

Nourishing the body healthy food, contain metallic elements, vitamins, antioxidants, which gives the body strength and maintain his balance, and the strength of his blood, and the structure of muscles, and the strength of his bones.
Exercise, especially morning exercises, being careful to avoid exercise after eating heavy meals, so the body does not get sick, dizziness, abdominal cramps and discomfort.
Stay away from malpractice, which weaken the body and sap his strength, and most important of these practices: smoking cigarettes and water pipes, and alcohol, drug addiction and cannabis.
Drink adequate amounts of fluids, especially water, until the body is not exposed to drought, and becomes weak.
The practice of aerobic exercises, which strengthens the heart, lungs, muscles, and most important of these exercises jogging, brisk walking, swimming, and cycling.
Adequate sleep, and give the body rest and relaxation to be able to renew his energy and resilience, and you should be sleeping at night, and the dark, even glands are working at full efficiency.
Organizing mealtimes, eat at specific times during the day, so that it is large meals distributed to six small meals, so as to maintain the agility of the body.
Not to skip breakfast; because they provide the body with energy, which may be consumed during the night hours.
Focus on eating foods rich in particles of energy, which strengthens the body, and gives vital Examples include fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, nuts rich in omega 3, omega 6, seafood, healthy oils, such as olive oil.
Breathe deeply, and to go into nature from time to time; and to give the body a deep relaxation, which save him from the negative energy, and provide him with positive energy.
Avoid stress, anxiety, insomnia, and psychological pressures as much as possible; because the mental state have a significant impact on physical strength, good mental situation provide the body with energy and vitality, and to make it more powerful, unlike in poor physical condition, and negative emotions, which deplete the body's energy.
Interest in biological body mph; because it is controlled by the flow of energy to the body during the hours of the day, so you must sleep during the night, waking up early, try taking a noon nap.

How to build the muscles of your body

How to build the muscles of your body

كيف تبني عضلات جسمك

body muscles :

Body building muscles of the things that concerned men and women, without exception, because the increased muscle mass in the human body reduce accumulated fat and obesity ratio, which maintains the health of the body from infection with many serious diseases.

You need to build muscles of the body to exercise on a regular basis the process of stimulating growth, it is worth mentioning that rely on exercise alone is not enough to increase muscle density, so there must be a useful and effective diets muscle containing potassium, calcium, and iron building, vitamins, selenium, magnesium, copper, protein, and good fats as well as carbohydrates and health, and we will mention in this article a number of foods that the body needs to build muscle and increase growth.

Food increases the density of the body muscles :

Chicken breast: Prepare the chicken breasts of important food sources of proteins that contribute to muscle growth and increase density, where the body produces protein treated cells and muscle tissue infected as a result of exercise strenuous, also features chicken breast on zinc, niacin, iron and vitamin B6 in addition to selenium, all of these material is very useful for bodybuilding, preferably skinless chicken eating grilled or broiled.
White: It is known that the egg whites contain important protein in the process of building muscle, as it is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, minerals, while egg yolk contains a variety of vitamins such as vitamin A, B, E, B12, K, in addition to the acid folate, riboflavin, and features all of these elements in its ability to speed up metabolism and convert fat into energy in the body, so you eat an egg or two eggs a day.
Legumes: Legumes are considered food containing high nutritional value; for the rich in fiber, which helps the body absorb food, and carbohydrates that provide energy to the body for a long period of time, and proteins that increase muscle density and intensifies.
Milk: milk contains two types of proteins are high quality and is casein and whey, and milk carbohydrates, vitamins, fats beneficial, minerals, contains This is an effective material to strengthen muscles and increase density, so you should eat a glass of milk after the end of each athlete training.
Flaxseed: Flaxseed characterized by its ability to build muscles of the body as they get rid of the fat, flax seed is rich in omega-3 sources that reduce the inflammation that affects muscle performance after a strenuous workout, which speeds up the healing process and increase growth. : They also contain protein, fiber, amino acids, so it must be dealt with crunched flaxseed adding one tablespoon of them to milk or yogurt before going to sleep late or added to soups and other authorities and juices.

How can I be a strong body

How can I be a strong body

كيف أكون قوي الجسم

body care :

Human duty on the same self care and body right care, being careful to avoid everything that harms it, our Prophet Muhammad, he said, peace be upon him: "Do not go away forward Abdul Doomsday even asking for a four-for-old as he spent it, and his body in Ablah, and I knew why it worked, and where he acquired his money from and what he spent "; then we as Muslims, we will ask the day of Judgment for our bodies and Wim Oblenaha Ovninaha, we have to keep it strong and healthy, and in this article is a set of tips to keep your body strong.

How to strengthen the body :

Be sure to eat your breakfast in the morning every day, so an hour after you wake up, have breakfast on the rich in the important nutrients needed by the body; Kalolaav, proteins, low-fat dairy, and whole grains.
Try to walk through everyday movements, either by going to work or school, and does not rely entirely on transportation, transportation, Walking burns more calories, improves your mood.
Drink a cup of coffee or tea, the caffeine increases the rate of fat Hrqk and renew your activity, but do not overdo it.
Do not sit for long periods at the place of work or study, and try to break a bit of a routine that you go to the bathroom, or take a break to drink a hot drink.
Eating Videos Watch the time and unseasoned, and make sure it's healthy and a lot of vegetables, and stay away from fried and many calorie foods, and replaced sweets with fruits, as well as add some spice to your food, they are useful and burn more calories.
Drink at least eight glasses of water, preferably to be cool, because the water Albardihrq fat more than hot.
Be sure to exercise a day, it is not required to exercise for a long time or be tired.
Devoted special time to relax physical and psychological, and away from all the things that are bothering you, this is a short time helps a lot in improving your mood, increase your enthusiasm for a new day.
Be sure to get enough sleep, Sleep helps to soothe your body and gives you comfort that you need, and raises as well as the fat burning rate, but there is no need to increase the number of hours of sleep for eight hours a day.
Live your life and do what interests your passion, do not forget to be human health and nimble in choice that helps to build a strong body and healthy, does not believe that food and drink are enough to forge you a strong body, Be strong Butagaftk, and your knowledge, and talent; a sound mind in a sound body they Atcaflan together to give you the power that aspires to it.

Bodybuilding PRO exercises

Bodybuilding PRO exercises

تمارين كمال الأجسام للمحترفين

BodyBuilding :

Is the kind of sport that is concerned with building muscle, began long ago where people how old they make statues and idols in the form of a huge man with prominent muscles and the body is lean, and people were harbor respect and appreciation for people who meet these qualities; hence started a lot of guys this exercise Sports love of fame and recognition, and spread until it became one of the core sports in the world.

There are several names for the sport of bodybuilding, including: iron sport, and sport wrestlers, and body building which is the correct translation for the word (BodyBuilding), and there are rules relatively controllers on each of the density, clarity, and specifically, the color of the skin, and her seven rulers rule in this sport and record points competitors as the center of all of them, and be a champion for those who combines the lowest number of points.

There are a lot of exercises for the sport; where there are exercises for beginners and exercises for professionals, not the novice must exercise professional experience because they are difficult and hurt Badilathm.

Professional exercises in bodybuilding :

Exercise pressure on the bench italic: This exercise depends on the muscle; where he will sleep trainee bench diagonally, so weights affixed to the bar to be over his chest, and then holding the bar and begin the movement up and down, with tightening the muscles of the chest and arms, but we must take into account the distance between the bar and the chest so as not to be less than 2.5 cm, and repeat this exercise more than once, then takes the trainee simple break and then come back the ball.
Exercise pressure on the bench Leaning higher: expands this exercise, the chest muscles and builds muscles of the arms, and here sleeps trainee on the bench oblique, but higher than the first punch, then holding Baldmpel weights which can filed, then start lifting dumbbells and lowered continuous movement, then take a break and complements Exercise and here begins the trainee simple weights and then increase the weights according to his ability to conceive.
Exercise flutter on Beck have a device: Here sits the trainee on the device, then the weight suitable for him to choose according to the level of exercise which is reached, and then starts by bringing his hands to each other with the pressure, then Evthama to another chest, and repeat the exercise more than once, and if he could not intern Jim access to and use of the machine; it can be replaced by Baldmbalz.
Push using chairs: Here we are talking about regular chairs; but chairs the exercise and be short, and put the trainee chairs next to each other, leaving approximately 50 cm distance, then puts on each chair hand and extends the full body and is based on their toes, and then begins to rise from the level of chairs , and then go down to the mid-level chairs with legs tighten and not Tnehma, and repeat this exercise more than once, and then taking a break because the exercise is very difficult and requires effort and strength.

Increase muscle mass

Increase muscle mass

زيادة الكتلة العضلية

Bodybuilding :

Accept a lot of young people and the elderly to exercise various kinds of sports because of the increased rate of awareness of the importance of physical activity to health and the prevention of many diseases, and occupies sport body building large part of young people's interest is particularly obvious effects on body composition and physical abilities to practitioners.

Nevertheless, many of the trainees sport bodybuilding does not care about the limit of the system by the coaches and turn to general advice that may not be compatible with the physical nature and state of health, which will delay the process of building muscle and consistency, and can even be counter-productive for some .

While you must muscle mass development process of the trainees sport of bodybuilding is subject to a specific system of exercises along with the style and attention to the standard of living in general terms to stay away from the harmful health habits Kalsohr, smoking and alcohol proper nutrition.

Increase muscle mass :

preparation :

Before work to increase muscle mass must apprentice undergoing full preparation to start research and study how to raise the muscular level gradually to reach the best results, according to the nature of the body, which vary from one person to another, it was the body contain excessive amounts of fat must work to rid including by working to increase muscle mass while.

If the thin must reach the desired weight by the follow-up exercise and proper nutrition so that the accumulation of fat or water in the body, completely changing dietary habits so that the body gets larger amounts of protein, carbohydrates and minerals in exchange for reducing the sugar, salt does not occur.

Direct Action:

Access to the stage at which the trainee is ready for the development of muscle mass have been the three exceeded the months of exercise on sports equipment to prepare the muscles, and the second is to change the weekly and monthly exercise plan, so the focus is on every day exercise in one of the large muscles in the body and the use of free weights in the exercises, rather than machines with weight gain each time to the maximum limits.

Must in that period to get help a colleague or coach to avoid muscle injuries, and after each month are changing exercise schedule so as not to get used to the muscles on a particular exercise routine and stop growing, as well as the rest periods at that point should be enough muscle to get comfort necessary and sufficient time to grow, so that at least the time of rest every muscle for two days, with interest to obtain adequate amounts of protein, either through food or using dietary supplements.